Who can volunteer?

We rely on 100% volunteer medical professionals, including family doctors, specialists, nurse practitioners, nurses, and medical assistants. We also have volunteer opportunities for Spanish interpreters, front desk clerks, and scribes, with no medical background necessary. Anyone who shares our commitment to providing high quality free healthcare services and wellness education to the medically uninsured will be welcomed, and we will try to find a spot suited to your skills and interests.

What kind of time commitment is expected?

Most volunteers choose to work one 4-hour shift a month. This is ideal, as it allows volunteers to become familiar with the clinic and each other. We welcome volunteers to serve more than this, according to their interest.

What is required to volunteer?

All new volunteers go through an application process that includes a volunteer orientation session and a criminal background check. Volunteers must provide records of a current TB test. They should also provide records of a Hepatitis B series, if available. The purpose of the application process is not to turn volunteers away, but to prepare them for work in the clinic and to find the best role in which to contribute. Each new volunteer will be scheduled to shadow an experienced volunteer, so that they can feel confident when they actually start volunteering.

Will I have malpractice insurance?

All volunteers, medical professionals or otherwise, are covered on our policy.

Is the clinic safe?

The Family Community Clinic does not perform invasive procedures, nor does it prescribe narcotics or any other controlled substances. For the protection of volunteers and patients, all volunteers receive training in HIPAA and Universal Precautions at orientation. The clinic is equipped with Personal Protective Equipment and an eye-wash station.


At the Family Community Clinic, we work with volunteers to determine in what capacity they can best serve. No matter what your position, we will not ask you to do something you are not comfortable with, or anything that you have not been trained for.